รศ. ดร.วีรชาติ ตั้งจิรภัทร

  • คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์
ติดต่อ 0-2470-9322
โทรสาร 0-2427-9063
  1. Water Permeability and Sulfate Resistance of Eco-Friendly High-Strength Concrete Composed of Ground Bagasse Ash and Recycled Concrete Aggregate (Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Q2)
  2. Bar-concrete bond in mixes containing calcium carbide residue, fly ash and recycled concrete aggregate (Cement and Concrete Composites, Q1)
  3. Strength and heat generation of concrete using carbide lime and fly ash as a new cementitious material without Portland cement (Advanced Powder Technology, Q2)
  4. Investigation on the strength, chloride migration, and water permeability of eco-friendly concretes from industrial by-product materials (Journal of Cleaner Production, Q1)
  5. Influence of Activation Methods on Strength and Chloride Resistance of Concrete Using Calcium Carbide Residue–Fly Ash Mixture as a New Binder (Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Q2)
  6. Others : https://publons.com/researcher/1277846/weerachart-tangchirapat/publications/
  1. Use of industrial by-products in concrete
  2. High performance concrete (HPC) / Ultra high performance concrete (UHPC)
  3. High volume pozzolan concrete
  4. Recycled aggregate concrete
  5. Geopolymer / Alkali activated concrete
  1. Use of local materials for producing high performance / ultra high performance concrete
  2. Development of industrial by-products as a novel alternative binder for pozzolan-based alkali-activated concrete
  3. Utilization of bottom ash as replacement for cement and aggregates in concretes
  4. Development of recycled aggregates for producing eco-friendly high strength concrete
  5. Utilization of high volume biomass ashes as cement replacement in concrete