midsommar explained reddit

She is everything. So, in Hereditary the family has no free will. Various theories on Reddit pertain to Pelle, but one of the most intriguing ones suggests that Pelle is the Hårgas' Oracle, and he plotted out the events that unfold in Midsommar himself. They wait for her to eat at the table once she has been crowned, just like the elders earlier in the film. He, the guy who brings them there, does get excited about having a twin born on the same day as him. Ari Aster Explains 'Midsommar' And Why He's Not Going To Stop Crushing Skulls The director got into the deep lore of his new film in a Reddit AMA By Tom Nicholson Not trying to write an essay here. I can't say what meaning they have beyond what the film gives us. And Pelle is the noble knight, the servant of the Harga," Richard Newby wrote for THR. We know her sister is bipolar and that the last thing she says to Danny is that everything is getting dark. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. That said, despite its similarities, a theory published by CheatSheet posits that Aster's two films could be opposites. The 'Hereditary' ending is ripe for discussion. That has not been my experience with anxiety medication AT ALL. Meaning, for me, that we can take the death of her family as another one of the sacrifices made necessary in order for her to realize that she is the sun and be born as her true self. A24. They make a child so inbred that it, to them, has clarity and its artwork can be interpreted as a message from something purer. She tells them the legend of the event and some God or other gave the people a drink that contained life and it made them dance and dance until they fell dead. Well, what do we know about her sister? Whereas the main family in Hereditary has no choice, and are fatal subjects of another’s force over them. Further proof that Danny is the sun is that her dress at the end of the film is a pyramid of flowers and her headdress has rays coming from her head just like the rays of the sun in the picture on the wall. The film released July 3 marks director/writer Ari Aster's follow up to 2018's strikingly disturbing Hereditary, and it's sent horror fans into a tizzy over its possible interpretations. Midsommar is one of the best horror films of all time and for good reason. That is what is so scary. Hereditary was the must-see horror movie of the summer in 2018. They're joined by Mark (Will Poulter) and Josh (William Jackson Harper), who definitely don't expect find themselves in the middle of a satanic rituals that slowly pick away at the group one by one. Following is a transcript of the video. "While the 'scary' scenes of Hereditary primarily take place during the night, this new movie flips the narrative, including most of the story in broad daylight," CheatSheet stated. They drink their drinks and they dance and as the dance goes on they become disoriented. They are the ones who are focused on reading into nature and what nature calls for and they believe that the May Queen is the sun and can embrace life in such a way (think of the dance around the pole) that she can bring things to happen through others, either that she can or that she ought to. This was kind of his main reason for wanting to leave, so that he could get laid and not deal with so many emotional things all the time. Benzo's act on the GABA neurotransmitter and although the mechanism of action is unknown exactly it is thought that it has a suppressing effect on the nerves of the brain. These are important. As Reddit user u/foremanxc wrote, Dani might have always been meant to end up where she does, and the people of HÃ¥rga know it. So Danny and the inbred unclouded one are very similar, and they tell the cult what to do in different ways. Midsommar is a bright, terror-ridden film that’s scary enough without the fucking faces hidden in the trees we just learned about. You could probably interpret the scene in which Dani and the women partake in communal deep-breathing — which verges on hyperventilation — as somehow mirroring the way her mom, dad, and sister died. Dani also didn’t necessarily have positive experiences on hallucinogenics. But, what I'm saying is not a stretch when you think about what most all cults actually do and believe in. A couple travels to Northern Europe to visit a rural hometown's fabled Swedish mid-summer festival. She makes it all happen. The more you think about each of these Midsommar theories, the scarier the movie becomes — and the more you'll want to see it over again to pick up on new clues. We've got the face of death at the beginning and the face of the sun at the end. One with messages and symbols, no matter how cryptic, and one with their heart or feelings or emotional states, however, it happens. The cultists don't know Danny has a picture of a bear in her apartment that is bearing (not a pun) down on a small girl. Just want to spit my thoughts out because the other explanations I've seen have been trash. Midsommar is obsessed with the passage of time and the cycle of seasons, and the ways humans scramble to make sense of life’s big changes (like death, aging, and … Here’s our attempt to unpick some of the key points. Why Dani was smiling in Midsommar’s ending – The film’s plot explained. There's a lot to unpack, and we don't just mean bear entrails. They do show up on Danny's birthday. Horror movies have short and sweet runtimes but even the Midsommar Director’s Cut with nearly a three-hour runtime keeps you locked in dreadful suspense. Therefore, anxiety medication will enable those who need it because the anxiety is likely not helped by excessive activity of the nerves. One of them, or her boyfriend. Midsommar, the new movie from Hereditary director Ari Aster, is not what you’d call a straightforward, lighthearted summer film. It is a tilt up from a depiction of cultists in the midst of heavy ceremonious activity, i.e. Midsommar is this question imagined and is a beautiful demonstration of this hard to depict idea. At the end of the film they have her choose who will be sacrificed. Midsommar: Explained The most important thing to first get right is that the main character Danny, an androgynous name, is the Sun. Furthermore, regarding the insemination ceremony, this is of course also done by Danny. He basically silences her effectively until she is apologizing to him for every having something to say in the first place. That is the reason for the bear. A ritual in Midsommar (Image: A24). going crazy, and it tilts up to show a sun with a face in the middle like the Teletubbies and the sun is smiling. Inside their sleeping quarters, the one with the painted walls, we are shown an image. Also the whole free will hit is a bit of a stretch. They believe that they are subject to her desires and that she is acting through them. The group is led by Christian's friend from school, Pelle (Vilhelm Blomgren), who comes from HÃ¥rga himself. Also, when you take too many benzo's you'll forget whole large spans of time. She is the murderer. I loved the depiction of a character with anxiety, but to me it was more about Dani always feeling separate from others and the cultists embraced her, flaws and all. Midsommar probably won't encourage folks to book tickets for a Swedish vacation anytime soon. For more than a decade /R/HORROR has been reddit.com's gateway to all things Horror: from movies & TV, to books & games. What if you had no free will? When she travels to the cultist’s home she is given hallucinogens right away, which have the opposite effect of a drug one would take for anxiety, where the hallucinogenic drug pushes you into life rather than removing it. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. 138 Dislike. By Tom Nicholson. Perhaps Pelle killed Dani's family to make her vulnerable to the cult's indoctrination so she can fulfill her destiny to become the May Queen. R/HORROR, known as Dreadit by our subscribers is the premier horror entertainment community on Reddit. The theatrical cut of Ari Aster's Midsommar left Connie's ultimate fate mostly up to the imagination, but the director's cut clears up what happened. Yet, their ceremony happens every 90 years, meaning, if you’re the child that’s born of the inception ceremony that takes place during the film and you’re born like 9 months later you’d never see this ceremony in your life. These 9 Midsommar theories are just a handful of the disturbing ideas from audiences. If you think about what anxiety is, or more particularly what her anxiety medication we see at the beginning of the film does, they/it remove a little bit of life, so to speak, so that you can more easily handle life. The Very Upsetting Ending To 'Midsommar': Explained. Hereditary is that question imagined and made terrible. Hallucinogens, on the other hand, are not addicting because they do not remove you from life but rather force you to confront it. Not a stretch that a movie with so many hallucinogens has being one with everything as a main point. Additionally, the grass pushing through her hand is there because it is a step on the path of her realizing she is one with everything. This is key! In an interview with IndieWire, Aster confirmed that he intended for Midsommar to have this outline. So Danny gives him what he wants. That Dani looks like the many blonde-haired green-eyed cult members likely is no accident, and user also pointed out that a baby was born on Dani's birthday, representing the community's cycle that they celebrate with their Midsommar celebration. Midsommar, the actual holiday, is a major event in Sweden celebrated somewhere between June 20th and June 26th, and the summer solstice carries with … Someone else can sort that out. We know her sister is bi-polar and that she says at the end that things are getting dark. The cult believes that nature is somewhat mechanical. Midsommar: Fan Theories And Hidden Details You Might Have Missed In Ari Aster's New Horror Film Huge spoilers ahead, obviously. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Midsommar is a film which leaves you with questions. She straps death to her mouth and kills everything around her. Dani's boyfriend, Christian (Jack Reynor), isn't much of a help, but he invites Dani on a group trip to a village in Sweden where a cult called the HÃ¥rga lives off the land. Like Aster's prior film, Hereditary, Midsommar isn't shy about leaving plot elements unexplained, or at least not fully so. ** Seriously, if you haven't seen it yet and don't want to know, stop reading now. The Oracle foresees events through images, so it's pretty strong evidence that Pelle was prophesying before they all went to Sweden. I would really like for you to give me some examples of how I'm not making appropriate connections. A dark romantic-comedy. It is her coming to the realization that she has been the one responsible for all of the events of the film leading to this point. The unclouded one. Vigilant Twitter user @danielgaylewis tweeted a screenshot from Ari Aster’s film that draws our eyes to a very disturbing face in the background that you probably missed in … It is most definitely about anxiety. Hereditary is also about a lot of things besides the idea of a family not having free will. This is your final warning. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Her birthday becomes significant as being the day she is born as the sun. The number stuff is not something I've even speculated about. For those confused by 'Midsommar,' just think of it as a romantic-comedy. What other pieces are there? The point is they use numbers, i.e. P.S. So with this information, many other things can fit into place appropriately. There is more evidence that this is all true or the author’s true intention. Now, what about her dead family? The most important thing to first get right is that the main character Danny, an androgynous name, is the Sun. ‘Midsommar’ explained: The filmmakers unpack the sex, rituals and shocking ending Florence Pugh’s Dani, center, is dealing with grief after a family tragedy, in “Midsommar.” (A24 ) In their relationship, the boyfriend wanted to sleep with other women. All rights reserved. Before we proceed, please note there are massive spoilers ahead if you have not seen the movie in theaters yet. What begins as an idyllic retreat quickly devolves into an increasingly violent and bizarre competition at the hands of a pagan cult. That is easy to see in this film. Although things seem to be nothing more than a cultural learning experience, it becomes horrifying when they witness two elders jump to their deaths for a ritual. Directed by Ari Aster. For example, what do these specific things mean if not what I am putting forward? It successfully creates a haunting atmosphere that remains pertinent throughout the entire film. But the ending is not just her coming to terms with her anxiety or something so simply put, it is much more. When Josh receives an explanation of the Oracle, a product of inbreeding, the elder says they have "unclouded intuition.". People have long-believed that aborigines, children, and the insane have some kind of special connection with the interior world or their souls are more in communion with some force not as easily accessed by the normal masses of people. Examples, please. Some of … The basis of the trip is a midsommar celebration that supposedly occurs every 90 years. However, the director has acknowledged that both films have similar themes, such as family and codependency, which he explained in a featurette shared on social media. Also, the family’s death comes up again in a dream Danny has where her family is juxtaposed with the elders who sacrificed themselves on the sacrificial stone. So the act is not just whatever a normal sex act is for a man, it is women of all shapes and sizes and women signing and all of it is centered on childbirth, not things that would normally stimulate a man during sex and this is easily seen as it doesn’t arouse many simple feelings in the audience either. And that ought to may have to do with her family dying as well. Dani's sister poisoned herself and her parents with carbon monoxide, leaving the grad student to grieve an unimaginable loss. MIDSOMMAR EXPLAINED What is Midsommar about?. A quick word about Hereditary. Why's that in there? Midsommar Explained – Questions and Theories Midsommar, the latest from Hereditary director Ari Aster is a complicated beast. It is most definitely a breakup story. He assigned each character a rune, which we can see clearly on their robes. energy, time, money, towards one goal or one person, one special person, is a reasonable and logical way of doing something good or powerful for all of them. She is the source of life and death. They believe that surrendering their power eg. The cultists are not responsible for the murders. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Danny is nothing but free will and is the one that is making everything happen. I'm not hearing a solid counter-argument at all while I am using specific shots from the film and making connections that exist in the film. Between Pugh's moving performance and the viscerally affecting, brutal killings, Midsommar isn't your average horror movie and it's not one you're likely to forget. At one point she can speak to another girl although they don't speak the same language. Narrator:“Midsommar” is a horror movie about a Swedish festival gone very, very wrong. She takes a benzodiazepine. It is a shot that is disconnected from any prior action or scene and doesn’t begin another. In Midsommar, everything you might imagine as a worst-case scenario during a vacation to a remote village actually happens. There are a few different theories about how Midsommar might connect to Hereditary, but Aster has repeatedly refuted theories that the demonic God from the latter, Paiman, is involved in Midsommar. Midsommar is by far the best online movie production I’ve ever seen. She has him have sex with other women, but not just a woman, but women abstractly. What if you controlled all things? But it's there and it shows that they care about numbers or mechanistic ways of interpreting nature in some way. This is further evidence that Danny's anxiety pills at the films beginning were suppressing her a that her true path was to embrace life. He says that nature is mechanical or something, so that it is all life, yet has some repeatable unfeeling mechanical thing-like elements as well. That painting is there because Danny sees herself as the little girl in her relationship with her boyfriend and at the end of the film she turns that all around. In my experience, it helps you experience life more fully, since your chemical imbalance isn’t interfering with your perception. Major spoilers ahead for Midsommar. I would argue that Aronofsky’s film Mother is also trying to depict something like this with amazing results as well. "Dani is the poor (emotionally so) maiden who travels to a faraway land and discovers her royal birthright. And they'll make this greatly unsettling film — made by a writer/director known for paying exhaustive attention to details — even more terrifying. The painting with the bear in her apartment is there and the end of the films flips the scenario in that painting around. Now, the girls got anxiety, yes? Ever take too much Xanax? The May Queen and the Mating Ritual In Midsommar Explained As Midsommar moves towards its ending, all of Dani and Christian's friends have (unbeknown to them) been killed. While Midsommar is out wide on July 3, … So the cult has 18 year seasons that it follows and there are four. Her sister represents the first face. 1 year ago. One of the comments on the thread, posted by user u/hobbessss, added that Pelle draws pictures of the feasting table that Dani and co. eat at in HÃ¥rga. Subtle clues that Dani would become the May Queen pervaded the entirety of Midsommar, starting at its beginning when Dani's room decoration includes a poster of a woman before a crowd of people worshiping her. But my main ideas regarding the films meaning are supported by the film. Moreover, he fails to consider Josh's feelings when hijacking his PhD subject, so as Newby wrote, "Christian can be looked at as a metaphor for Christianity as seen by the HÃ¥rga." I don’t understand the full significance of this aspect but it’s interesting that 90 – 72 is another 18 year season. This is the opening painting. Giving her this choice is like another step on the road to her understanding that she has that power. Various theories on Reddit pertain to Pelle, but one of the most intriguing ones suggests that Pelle is the HÃ¥rgas' Oracle, and he plotted out the events that unfold in Midsommar himself. With Florence Pugh, Jack Reynor, Vilhelm Blomgren, William Jackson Harper. Given the HÃ¥rgas' dedication to their religion, it makes sense that the runes, often known to have magical powers, might influence their traditions. He is made so as to not be able to speak. She drinks it up to it's fullest more than anyone can even handle. Why is the painting with the sun in the film? Long story short, Midsommar ends with Christian being sewn inside a disemboweled bear, a skinned Mark, and more gory human remains that all go up in flame in a pyre at the end of the film, leaving only Dani as the surviving outsider. So these movies seem like companions, and adding something that is well understood about Hereditary may help us understand Midsommar. Jordan Peele and Ari Aster became new masters of American horror after their debut films, “Get Out” and “Hereditary,” instantly became genre classics upon release. The climax of Ari Aster’s Midsommar is undeniably shocking, but also an experience that may be cushioned for particularly observant viewers by … Some events take place on her birthday and finally the climax on the day after her birthday. He is now the one who must be silent and be acted upon. Christian acts only out of guilt when supporting Dani. i absolutely loved this movie as well, but, holy crap, did you read way too much into it. Her birthday is this especially long day where the sun doesn’t go down but stays up because of their position in that hemisphere. The reason that her boyfriend is put into a bear is because that is how she saw him in their relationship. s so adept at registering the emotions of her character, whether they’re just below the surface or breaking out into wailing hysteria One Redditor, u/branches-bones, identified the translations of the most pervasive runic symbols to mean journey and joy, mystery, secrecy, initiation, and death/end. While there, the group meets Pelle's brother Ingemar, as well as an English couple, Simon and Connie. Around the Maypole she drinks of a cup of life and is able to stand up in it for longer than the others. Redditor u/clemenbroog suggested that the tube Dani's sister used to poison her parents visually represents the sense that Dani was cut out from her family tree. Of course, that isn't an objective basis, as the HÃ¥rga likely have a deeply untrusting relationship towards the Christians, which has a historical basis from when the founding of Christianity clashed with preexisting Paganism. She had a painting or artwork of some kind in her apartment of a giant bear making a small girl feel even smaller or some such thing. I’m arguing here that the protagonist/antagonist of Midsommar, Danny, has the opposite of this quality. She can speak to them despite the language barrier. Ari Aster does a great job using symbols and theme but I think you might be making connections that aren’t there. Why the painting with the bear? there are many clever theories and easter eggs related to the film (dani’s name of which is the greatest, but it’s definitely not related to gender as you say, but, rather, the literal meaning of both her first and surname), but this was definitely a reach. That would be a hell of a lot for a writer to jam into a single piece in terms only symbolism. Plus we see her face with death strapped to it and all her family. She is the sun. Think about the speech the woman gives them before dancing around the Maypole. This matches up with an earlier shot in the film which is out of place from the rest. Danny is wearing a headdress at the end that invokes the image of the sun that we see earlier in the film. It also again shows that what the cult aims to do at it's highest levels is to have certain members of the cult dictating what other members do on a level so rich that their interior states are actually made manifest through them. This is what she does to him at the end of the film. Perhaps the most obvious yet mysterious clues from Midsommar lie in the meaning of the runes that adorn almost every wall and outfit in HÃ¥rga. Another piece of artwork shows a giant bear kissing a small girl, likely to foreshadow Dani and Christian's relationship. So, my guess is that the sister is something like the opposite of the sun in this situation and she is darkness and death and she is the opposite pole to her sun sister. The final shot in the film is of Danny standing apart from the other cultists who are all going crazy and she, after a beat, smiles. Josh is the wizard whose quest to acquire more knowledge comes at a deadly cost. One of the coolest and trippiest things in the film is when Danny is screaming and her screams are picked up and matched by the other women cultists around her. It is relevant as well that it is her birthday. Midsommar starts off with the tragic deaths of the protagonist, Dani's (Florence Pugh), mother, father, and sister.

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